Campus Assessments

Hire the best talent with Monster’s Campus Assessments
Monster takes your campus hiring woes away with Campus Assessments. If you are looking for campus placement drives, get in touch with us and we’ll do it for you.
We are aware of the intricacies involved in campus drives and help ease the burden for recruiters by
  • understanding job requirements based on job role, skills, location, industry, and experience
  • shortlisting of colleges for the organization
  • analyzing the allocated dates vis-à-vis the campus placement scenario
To ensure effective two-way communication between the campuses and the recruiters, we connect with the placement department in various campuses and help with the allocation part for the best possible campus drive dates. We use a three-stage approach which includes pre-event, at the event, and post-event services. At the pre-event, recruiters decide the benchmark and receive the colleges and candidate list; at the event stage, Monster provides on ground physical support if required; and at the post event, we share the assessment results.
Why Go for Monster Assessments?
  1. Variable Questions to increase the accuracy of assessments
  2. Rule Based Tests that cuts manual screening of questionnaire
  3. Seamless execution and support at each stage (pre-event and during the event support)
  4. English Test to assess candidates’ written English
When it comes to evaluation and finding the best talent, Monster Assessments has introduced variable questions of similar patterns available in a variety of ways, best suited for math questions. This is done to ensure the shrewd monitoring of candidate’s abilities, adding to that our rule-based tests cut out the dull process of screening questions manually. Interestingly, every student can get a different set of questions from the same pool of questions, thus enabling the test to be different for each student. Our assessments range from General Aptitude to Technical Aptitude, Coding Challenge, Core Engineering and non-IT assessments to evaluate candidates from management and finance background. Moreover, we have the English Test to make sure you not only hire the best talent but also the one, who is well versed in the global language of today.
Interested? Let Monster hire the best talent from campus for you.
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